
Membership Information

Persons actively engaged in Petroleum Accounting, Public Accounting or Education directly connected with the Petroleum Industry are eligible to apply for membership consideration.

Membership in PASPB can help your organization stay informed about how the evolving industry can affect accounting policies and practices within your firm. The society provides a forum for discussing and solving the more difficult accounting problems related to the petroleum industry. Participation in PASPB provides an opportunity for input in developing new COPAS Accounting Procedures and other documents recognized as guidelines by the industry.

Participation in PASPB will increase your knowledge of industry practices and procedures, develop leadership skills, offer opportunities to network with industry counterparts and apprise you of the most recent developments in the industry through the COPAS quarterly ACCOUNTS publication. Your company will obtain the opportunity to have a voice in projects relating to industry guidelines through your participation in the various committees. You will enhance your ability to contact appropriate counterparts and resolve issues more efficiently.

Benefits of PASPB Membership

The annual membership fee includes membership in PASPB and COPAS, as well as the cost of the meals for lunch meetings held at The Petroleum Club, located at the corner of Wall St. and Marienfeld. An educational technical session, offering CPE credits, immediately precedes the majority of our meetings and all members are encouraged to attend. Membership and committee meeting times will be announced in our monthly PASPB ADVISOR newsletter.

Summary of COPAS (PASPB) membership benefits include:
• Forum to address and resolve issues
• Participation in establishing guidelines
• APA Accreditation Program
• Subscription to quarterly ACCOUNTS publication
• Networking with industry experts
• Educational opportunities – CPE
• Small, medium, and large companies working together as equals

Additional questions about membership may be addressed to

To obtain a listing of the current membership by society, you must be an active
member and have a current password. Then, log in to the COPAS registry at and choose the society.


Print & Mail Forms

Membership Applications and Renewals for the 2023-2024 year, please complete the below application and mail in your payment to the referenced address.

Please select below to register online

PASPB Membership 2023-2024
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